Thursday, 16 May 2013

Extra morning trains :)

Public transport keeps improving all the time. Now there are two extra morning trains on my train line - arriving in the city at 7:50 and 8:02am.

translink announce new trains

This means that for most of the morning commuting period, trains are every 6 minutes. This is so convenient. Even if you've just missed one, it's only a few minutes to the next one.

On my line the morning trains arrive now arrive in the city at 7.44, 7.50, 7.56, 8.02, 8.08, 8.14, 8.20, 8.32, 8.44, 8.50 and 8.56.

Earlier than 7.44, they're about every 12 minutes, but i'm not really interested in being at work that early ;) After 9am, they're still every 15 minutes.

I reckon that's quite a good service. But of course, if even more people who use it, it will get even more frequent. :)

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