With Australian cyclist Cadell Evans winning the Tour de France this week, many people are going to be dusting off the old bicycle (or getting one for the first time) to experience the joy of bike riding.
So one of the newspapers did a helpful piece on some really good places to go for a ride. Places with nice scenery (though not exactly France) and most along bikeways, or roads with bike lanes. Each suggestion has its own map and, like the Tour de France, a terrain map to indicate the 'hillyness'.
OK, compared to "the Tour", the trips might be short, and the hills might be small, but for us mere mortals it's the closest we'll ever get :)
This is the first year I watched the tour - about a year ago I got a Montague folding bike for commuting, and found myself really getting into cycling (hence my first ever Tour watching). Maybe I'll take up racing too, like Cadel...probably won't make the Tour though.