In the sidebar i list some reasons i like going car free. One that i don't often talk about is a semi-spiritual one. It's the strange effect whereby even quite relaxed people can turn into angry creatures - just by getting behind the wheel.
You may have seen this video on the news during the week.
On Tuesday it was posted online, in attempt to identify the driver. By Thursday the man had been charged.
Of course, it's incredibly unusual that it goes this far (hence it is on the news) but the underlying anger seems to be something all drivers have experienced. Personally, I don't like the feeling. It's much more enjoyable to sit and read a book on the train.
I remember hearing of a case in Canada a few years ago. A cyclist got very angry with a driver for some road misdemeanour. He clung onto the driver's door (while the car was moving) and yelled at the driver. The driver then 'panicked' and sped up, resulting in the death of the cyclist. Bad things happen when people lose their tempers...especially when cars are involved.