Saturday 10 May 2008

Car Stats

Recently i've been reading Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems by Peter Newman and Isabella Jennings.

In it they quote some interesting stats relating to cities being less car dependent:
  • Car dependent cities spend 15-20% of their wealth on getting around. For transit oriented cities it is 5-8%.
  • Cities with strong rail systems were 43% more wealthy than weak rail cities
  • Cars can take 2,500 people per hour down one lane of traffic. Trains can do 50,000 (20 times as much).
  • Roads and parking can cover over a third of a city
  • At household level people in car dependent cities use over 20% of their income on transport. Some more than 40%.
  • In the US, those who live near a railway station own fewer cars (0.7 fewer per household) thus freeing up 20% of their income.

Food for thought, huh?

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