One of few challenges of being car-free is brain training. Not your own brain, but those of people who automatically think
travel equals
car. Allow me to illustrate using two invitations i've recently received.
1. A simple txt message - limit 160 characters - managed to cover the event details, the two closest train stations, and the exact street address (handy if i want to search
transinfo for alternate transport like buses)
2. A somewhat longer email message, detailing the night (at a restaurant) but giving only the suburb name and a landmark - which is fine if you're a driver, who can cruise around a suburb searching for landmarks. The clincher was the sign-off line
"hope you can make it". It almost reads like a deliberate challenge.
Now, i'm not having a go at anyone (although i'm very impressed with person 1). It's just interesting how car-oriented (or car-dependent) we have let ourselves become. Sometimes the human brain (despite it's amazing abilities) can be a difficult thing to adjust.