Thursday 28 April 2011

So Perfect

It's always fun to see someone excited about riding a bike. It's a simple pleasure, that's often hard to describe.

These are some of Hayley's thoughts...
Today, I rode my bike to and from work. It was perfect! I can't wait to start only riding my bike places.

I can't believe how happy this bike has made me. I can't wait to buy more bikes and ride them everywhere. It's annoying how much I talk about it, but I just can't express it enough.

On my way home I ran into my friend Duane... It was the perfect afternoon to ride along side with one of my best friends. We even made plans to ride to and from work together on Thursday. CAN'T WAIT.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

What Petrol Costs

Enjoyed this graphic from an article about US petrol prices.

Monday 11 April 2011

Social Barriers

Was just reading Clay Shirky's book Here Comes Everybody. Mostly, it has nothing to do with cars, but part of one chapter talked about the barriers to people interacting socially. I liked the quote

...much of the time spent doing errands or ferrying children from hither to yon is spent in a car. In a pedestrian setting, running into someone is a good thing; in a car, not so much.

He went on to point out that the highly enclosed nature of the travel reduces the likelihood of social encounters.

As i've said before, being car-free is good for the ol' social life.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Helping Hand

Getting off my bike to cross a busy intersection, and a woman asked me for directions.

She and her kid may have even been from overseas. They were clearly not from this part of town - she had absolutely no idea where the park was - and was surprised to hear it was probably a 20min walk.

Anyway, i drew her a map on a piece of paper i had in my pocket, and she was incredibly grateful. I felt really good helping out someone who was completely lost.